thailand | travelled in 2012 | posted on jul 12, 2012
giving of alms is an important aspect of buddhism.
so it is common in theravada buddhism, which is practised in thailand, that the monks go out for alms every day. they walk lined-up through the streets of their village or district. there, the lay people are already waiting with food, which they put into the monks' alm bowls.
often this is misinterpreted as the monks are begging for food. but this is wrong.
generosity and the willingness to donate are a major aspect of buddhism. therefore, it is the monks who, by being willing to accept the alms, give the believers an opportunity to do good and thus improve their karma.
often the monks are given so much food that they cannot possibly eat all of it. so it is collected and passed on to the poor and needy.