rugged landscape
iceland | travelled in 2015 | posted on apr 24, 2016
iceland is a paradise for nature lovers - at least if you are not determined to see flowery romantic places only.
iceland is the world's biggest volcanic island and at an age of only 20 million years, it is also the youngest european island. its enviroment is entirely shaped from this volcanic origin and the northern location. one quarter of the country is part of a still very active volcanic field. and almost two thirds of its surface have no cover of vegetation. and if there grows something, then it is mainly moss.
as you already might know - i really do like to visit outstanding places, like smallest and least visited countries or most densly-populated places. and iceland is outstanding too. with only about 3 people per square kilometre, it is one of the least populated countries in the world. iceland's people only live along the coastline, the central area of the country is completely unpopulated.
so for me, going to iceland was quite an unusual trip - getting in touch with the local people is what i like most about travelling. but here, one has to go out to these empty places. so did i, and i have to admit: it is just impressive.
i expecially liked the volcanic gravel fields. somehow these looked like how i imagine the surface of the moon. so maybe the americans did not fly to the moon, but instead, apollo 11 landed on iceland mistakenly.